Jessica Botsas R.H.N, Holistic wellness PRACTITIONER

Jessica is passionate about teaching you how to nourish your body so that you can walk into the best version of yourself. Her non-restrictive and whole-foods-based approach will allow you to reach your goals in a sustainable way, without micromanaging your diet!

A holistic approach to dietary needs focuses on the ''whole'' person. The goal is to optimize the interconnection between the body and mind by better understanding the complete health history, emotional state, lifestyle habits, and current food habits. We are all bio-individually unique. The goal is to address the root of a client's health concerns & goals by creating a balance where imbalances exist.

Please note that Jessica Botsas is not a registered dietitian (RD, P.Dt, Dt.P). As a member of the ANPQ, insurance receipts are provided under Naturopathy coverage.