Meal Prepping. This is how it's done!

Routines are challenging enough to establish, adding in time to make food becomes a headache for you and your family. Take that additional burden off your back by meal prepping your lunches and snacks (and even your breakfast!).

Tip 1.  Roast vegetables

Focus on buying an abundance of fresh produce. Bake various vegetables that can be thrown into salads, eaten as a side dish or even as a snack! Focus on bell peppers, root 

vegetables (carrots, parsnips, potato and beets) and greens (broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts and cauliflower). Eating a variety of vegetables is necessary to get a mix of all vitamins and they taste amazing when roasted!

Tip 2.  Protein sources

Find three main protein sources you want to use in various meals throughout the week. Ensure these ingredients can be used in a variety of foods to keep it as simple for you as possible! 

Tip 3.  All macronutrients must be present

Make sure each meal or snack has a combination of protein, fats and carbohydrates. The key to feeling full for longer periods of time, is through balancing these three 

macronutrients. You will feel satiated, and less likely to head back to the pantry to snack on something less nutrient dense.

Prepare these meals a few days at a time to ensure freshness, and you're set for work and/or school!


Let's talk about extra support!

If you are looking for more guidance to choose the right foods for your body, sign up for a nutrition consultation with our holistic nutritionist, Jessica Botsas.