The do's and don'ts of fruit combination

Are you a fan of smoothies or fruit bowls? If so, you'll find this article particularly intriguing! Fruit combinations play a vital role in digestion, offering benefits such as improved gut health, reduced bloating, and minimized gas. The digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids varies depending on the fruit, making it essential to understand the ideal combinations to prevent discomfort.

Fruits are typically classified into five categories: acidic, semi-acidic, sweet, fatty, and high water content fruits. Let's explore a few examples from each category:

Acidic fruits: Strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, cranberries

Semi-acidic fruits: Peaches, apples, blueberries, raspberries

Sweet fruits: Bananas, grapes, papaya

Fatty fruits: Avocado

High water content fruits: Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew


  • Combine acidic fruits with semi-acidic fruits.

  • Pair semi-acidic fruits with sweet fruits.


  • Avoid combining acidic fruits with sweet fruits. The stark differences in their digestion requirements can disrupt the process and result in bloating, gas, or even nausea.

  • Refrain from mixing high water content fruits with fatty fruits or any other fruits. For instance, watermelon, containing approximately 90% water, can cause gastrointestinal fermentation and subsequent bloating when combined with avocado or other fruits. Melons, in general, are digested rapidly and are best consumed alone for optimal digestion.

Ultimately, the suitability of fruit combinations depends on your health condition and digestive situation. Adhering to proper food and fruit combinations not only facilitates digestion and nutrient absorption but also conserves nervous energy. If you require personalized advice tailored to your needs, consider booking a private consultation with our experts!

Remember, being mindful of fruit combinations can contribute to a happier digestive system and overall well-being. So, why not give it a try and experience the positive impact of optimal fruit pairing on your health journey?

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